I received a call a few months ago from Meredith. We knew each other without my realizing. We used to attend the same spin class and the local gym. This woman is a machine on and off the bike!
During the styling phone consultation, we discussed how she wanted to be photographed. The photography session we were going to create together had this purpose: to celebrate her uniqueness. For one, her idol is Iris Apfel. They seem to share a love for funky, out-of-the-ordinary and stylish glasses. Secondly, her love of textures and colors in clothes made for very different looks during the shoot.
After going over general guidelines and tips about what to wear and what to bring to the photo shoot, I shortly received an email with four pictures. She had put together four different outfits, including accessories and footwear, and photographed each one. To say this woman is organized is an understatement.
This woman is a powerhouse. She is a published author. She wrote Road to the Rainbow: A Personal Journey to Recovery from an Eating Disorder Survivor. She also works for the local hospital Foundation and is an amazing, caring, inspiring and generous human being.
Which of the four styles of glasses do you prefer?
Meredith’s book, published by CCB Publishing: Road to the Rainbow is available on Amazon.
Hair & makeup by the fabulous and talented Madison Moore.
Meredith is wearing Lise Watier’s Nude Addiction on her lips.
The school year is about to end. Where did time go? Graduating from high school, college or university signifies many different things to many.
This special time is significant for anyone. That is why we love opening up the studio doors to young men and women and treat them to a magazine-style photo experience and make them feel like a celebrity.
Prior to the shooting session, we do a styling consultation. This is when you share how you wish to be photographed. The blend of your ideas, personal style, and inspiration combined with the lighting setups and posing make for unique timeless images. We start mapping out the shoot during the consultation while leaving room for spur of the moment ideas.
The day of the shoot starts with a hair and makeup session. For guys, we can still bring in the fabulous artist as she can help style the hair and remove dark circles (from staying up late studying for final exams, of course).
You do NOT need to know how to pose. You do not need to worry about where to place your hands. That is my job. During the shoot, we flow from one idea to the next listening to music and grabbing snacks when energy is low. You leave looking and feeling fabulous, energized and ready to take on the world.
A few weeks after the shoot, you come in to view the images created for you. You can then decide how you wish to enjoy and cherish the images. There are keepsake boxes that fit 8x10s, matted enlargements and canvas prints. Stationary such as greeting cards and postcards or press-printed books are also fun, customized and long-lasting options. They are great mementos.
Below are a few of the dozens of young celebrities I have had the honor of photographing in the last 20 years.
The featured image at the top of the blog post is that of a young woman who is determined, ambitious and industrious. I met her when she was a few hours old. She was born on Friday the 13th, the night of a full moon, the year the movie Titanic came out.
Graduating from college.
One of the many reasons behind the setting up of her magazine-style celebrity-inspired portrait session was that we wanted to celebrate her graduation from a 3-year college degree in Interior Design. This young woman graduated with honors and spent one of her semesters in Paris working on real-life projects for a French design firm.
This session was also a way to celebrate another milestone: her admittance into Université de Montréal’s limited-enrollment and reputable Architecture Program.
This second graduation portrait is one of a talented and hard-working high school teenager. Her artistic abilities and infinite creativity leave me speechless. She manages to work part-time throughout her final high school year and still partake in many school initiatives that bring diverse experiences to her life. She has also worked as a studio assistant for me and makes the future look promising. I am excited by the idea that she is going to make the world better in her next adventure. Good luck Angélique!
This third image is over 5 years old. This beautiful, talented young woman is now a first-time mother. I have been fortunate to document many important moments in her life. (Baby portraits coming later on). Phia is smart, eloquent and creative and she has the voice of an angel.
This last image is from a creative and outgoing young woman. Tamara’s sense of humor and empathy are qualities she brings to the world to make it better and brighter every day.
These portraits are created with the intention of immortalizing an important moment in young adults’ lives. What it also does is foster a positive inner transformation that happens in almost every photo shoot like these.
Celebrating milestones and creating timeless images are important and of inestimable value. So get your portraits printed and show them to the world.
If you wish to receive some information on the in-studio beauty portrait session, you may order the brochure here.
Mother, Mom, Mum, Mummy, Mamma, Maman, Mamá, etc. There are so many different ways to call upon her. She is many things to many of us. From counselor, to confident, to nurse, to accountant, to judge, and to cook, she embodies all of those roles without, most times, any formal training in any of those disciplines. Even when she is tired, she always has energy for those in her tribe.
My mother, my little sister, and me. Circa April 1976. Taken with a Kodak Instamatic 110. Remember those?The matriarch of my family.
In the last 20 years of photographing women, I have photographed hundreds of mothers. The one constant I have found is the positive shift in energy when they talk about their children. No matter how tired or calm they seem, they always liven up when they talk about their children and family.
Life doesn’t come with a manual.
It comes with a mother.
We provide a place where you can come in, be vulnerable and authentic, and where you can relax. At Abelle Boutique Photo Studio, you are the center of your world for a few hours. When was the last time this happened?
Your portrait session is customized. We map out the outfits, accessories and props, lighting setups, backdrops and overall mood of the images we wish to create. If you also require a business or profile headshot, let us know we will add this to the plan.
You do not need to be photogenic. There is no such thing. It isn’t your job to know where to look, how to smile or where to place your hand. This is what we do: direct, inspire, and pamper you and craft the light in such a way that you shine.
Showing your children and the ones you love you matter sets a great example for them.
Portrait photography studio: Abelle.ca
When your children and loved ones come looking for images of you, what will they find?
“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” – Oscar Wilde
Many female clients put portraits of their loved ones on their wall. Some women admit they feel vain displaying a portrait of themselves. Yet, they have no difficulty having their partner’s portrait or their children’s in the home.
Think an 8 x 10 is large?! This image is 16 inches by 20 inches and professionally framed in a 20 x 24 frame.Every morning, this is N’s reminder of how uniquely beautiful she is.
Women clients tell me they are not photogenic, that they dislike their arms, their double-chin, their thighs, their behinds, their hooded eyelids, etc. In the last 20 years I have heard it all!
So I have a challenge for women, this Valentine’s Day. How about honouring your unique beauty? That inner beauty that is uniquely yours. That beauty that is earned in a life of raising children, staying in or leaving a marriage or long-term relationship, caring for aging parents, losing a loved one, going back to school, building a business, embracing retirement, etc. The beauty that comes from a life lived to its fullest.
The unique features that define your body image create an energy that is perceptible in a portrait. Energy, passion and sparkle cannot be Photoshopped into an image. Those are superpowers that you bring to the photo shoot.
9-up portrait sequence.
Hanging portraits of yourself in your home, reminds you of how uniquely beautiful you are. It lets the other members of the family know you are as important as they are. It is a great way to model self-love and acceptance to younger family members. If nothing else, you leave a legacy-portrait of yourself to those who love you. More importantly, it may change the way you see yourself.
In the beauty magazine-style photoshoot experience, we go after your sparkle. Your inner light. The styling of the photo session is customized. It can be as casual or as glamorous (or both) as you wish it to be. You decide.
If you think we live in a digital world and that human connection no longer matters, think again. However, people will probably see your face online before they hear your voice or shake your hand. Which means that subtle grin, that eye twinkle, that confident stare or that laugh-out-loud smile affects how the viewer perceives you and your brand.
This idea leads me to reiterate the importance of a great business portrait. Technically, it should be above average, with flawless posing, lighting, retouching and composition to catch the viewers’ attention.
”Your headshot is like the logo of your personal brand.”– Giancarlo Pawelec for LinkedIn
The corporate portrait becomes one of the elements that make your business’ visual identity along with the logo, colours and typefaces used.
Find out about Kelly’s social media strategy services: KellyBateson.com
When you book a photo session, make sure your share your brand’s visual identity with the image creator. It is also a good idea to answer some of the following questions: – What is the intention behind this headshot? – How do you define yourself in business? – What is the message or feeling you are trying to convey? – How do you want to be photographed? – Which platform or media is this image (images) going to be used? – Will there be copy written onto it? Where will this text appear?
If you do not have an answer for most or any of the questions above, I can help you start the reflection and discussion around your future or current brand identity. I am not a branding expert by any means but I am a graphic designer and have helped small-businesses develop their brand. I will gladly share tips and content with you.
After the pre-shoot discussion, we can design a customized photo shoot for you and help you create the perfect image for you and your brand.
If your business requires some product shots or images of your services for the website or for printed documentation, this can easily be included.
”So take a look at your current headshot. Is it doing you and your company justice? If not, it’s time to fire it and get the job done right.”– Kate L. Harrison for Forbes.com
Dans ma quête pour réduire ma consommation de plastique, j’ai ajouté ceci cette année: le déodorant fait maison. Très facile à faire, il est super efficace et doux pour la peau. Honnêtement, je n’ai rien trouvé sur le marché qui fonctionne aussi bien.
Bonne nouvelle: tous ces ingrédients sont disponibles dans les magasins en vrac. La prochaine fois, il n’y aura pas de nouveaux contenants.
Des dizaines de recettes existent en ligne. À vous de faire vos recherches pour trouver celle qui vous convient.
Voici les ingrédients que j’ai utilisés cette fois-ci:
1/3 tasse cire d’abeille
1/3 tasse huile de coco 2 c. à table beurre de karité 2 c. à table bicarbonate de soude (j’en mets très peu +/- 1/2 c. à thé parce que ceci me cause des irritations)
1/3 tasse poudre “d’Arrowroot” (vendu en magasins d’aliments naturels)
huile essentielle pour l’odeur (facultative)
Je dépose des petits pots en vitre dans un bain-marie (ou au micro-onde) pour faire fondre la cire d’abeille. J’y ajoute ensuite le beurre de karité et l’huile de coco. Je mélange ensuite le bicarbonate de soude et l’arrowroot. J’ajoute au final quelques gouttes d’huile essentielle. Une recette me dure plus de 6 mois. Quand j’en fais, je me double ou triple la recette pour en offrir en cadeau.
En plus d’être efficace, ce mélange onctueux sent bon.
En hiver, j’utilise un bâton de bois pour l’appliquer puisque le mélange est plus solide. En été, le mélange est plus mou et s’applique facilement à l’aide des doigts.
En plus, 2018 a été l’année durant laquelle j’ai utilisé la brosse à dent en bamboo et dit bye-bye aux serviettes hygiéniques de la pharmacie. Ces petits changements faciles s’ajoutent aux changements adoptés dans les dernières années: la bouteille d’eau et la tasse réutilisables puis le compost pour les déchets organiques. Ce ne sont que de petits gestes, j’en conviens mais c’est avec des grains de sable que se forme la plage.
The web makes learning accessible. I use it as part of my regular training to perfect the mastery of my craft, I follow a number of entrepreneurs and leaders in my industry. I am constantly watching and listening to webinars and podcasts. Like every day. Like all the time.
The other day, while listening to a business webinar, the influential speaker said this: «You attract the clients you deserve.» In other words, you attract clients who are aligned with your energy. This line has stayed with me since.
I struggle with the confidence in the service I provide and the quality of the work I produce for people. I have come to understand that and expect it. I know many artists and soul-preneurs feel the same way because our soul is part and parcel of the service we provide for others. Indeed, portrait photography is my labor of love.
These are some of the lovely souls that have come into my life in 2018.
When I read this line over and over again: «You attract the clients you deserve.», I am at a loss for words to express my gratitude toward the clients who come into my studio. All I know is I am one darn-lucky and blessed human being!
Gift cards available in a variety of denominations. Abelle Family, Wedding and Portrait Photography Studio.
Abelle portraits: a priceless, timeless and tasteful gift.
Starting at 200$ and available in different denominations. Available online.
Call or email for details.
Une idée-cadeau d’une valeur inestimable: des portraits contemporains: d’affaire, de familles ou individuels..
En coupures de 200$ et plus. Ces bons-cadeaux sont offerts en ligne.
Parfois, on a le goût de jouer à la star. Parfois, c’est le regard que les autres posent sur nous qui nous aide à grandir.
Ça fait longtemps que j’attends la belle So. J’avais ce shooting en tête depuis plusieurs années. Puis, un dimanche d’automne, on eu la chance de concrétiser ce projet. Et, ça donné ceci:
Je me suis sentie vraiment entre les mains d’une professionnelle qui a su me mettre en confiance et me guider. J’ai tellement aimé l’expérience! Quel bel exercice pour rehausser sa confiance et son estime :))))
Ce n’est pas le maquillage, la coiffure et la robe qui rendent un portrait inoubliable. Ce sont les yeux qui sont le reflet de l’âme qui se trouve derrière ceux-ci.
“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.“George S. Patton
There are no words to describe this session. I decided to let my client share her story in her own words.
“Most of us know life can bring challenges that knock us down for a while. And even when we know things have started to turn around, this turn-around can take a while, in little steps at a time. When I moved to Brockville in 2015, it was to start over. I found Isabelle’s blog by a “happy accident.” And I put the beauty makeover photo shoot on my wish list for when I felt ready to “come back out” into the world. It took 3 years, but then I contacted her, which started the ball rolling. I was excited and scared, and questioning it all as I met with her beforehand and decided what I wanted to wear. But also afraid that what I had been hoping for so much would turn into another disappointment that I had to overcome.
Disappointment was never part of this experience – ever—not during the shoot nor when I saw the pictures. The shoot felt professional and Isabelle’s photography knowledge was front and centre. However, her compassion for her clients like me was also an integral part of the process. She knew and understood this was not an easy experience for people to go through. Yes she was gentle and considerate about it all. My pictures surprised me but also made me feel like I had found me again….yes, a bigger size, a little more wrinkled and looking older. But I now had something—physical evidence– that showed on the outside how much better I was feeling on the inside.“