Author Archives: AbelleMtl

Attracting Clients I Deserve: Abelle Portraits

The web makes learning accessible. I use it as part of my regular training to perfect the mastery of my craft, I follow a number of entrepreneurs and leaders in my industry. I am constantly watching and listening to webinars and podcasts. Like every day. Like all the time.

The other day, while listening to a business webinar, the influential speaker said this: «You attract the clients you deserve.» In other words, you attract clients who are aligned with your energy. This line has stayed with me since.

I struggle with the confidence in the service I provide and the quality of the work I produce for people. I have come to understand that and expect it. I know many artists and soul-preneurs feel the same way because our soul is part and parcel of the service we provide for others. Indeed, portrait photography is my labor of love.

Abelle Portrait and Wedding Photography

These are some of the lovely souls that have come into my life in 2018.

When I read this line over and over again: «You attract the clients you deserve.», I am at a loss for words to express my gratitude toward the clients who come into my studio. All I know is I am one darn-lucky and blessed human being!

Bon-cadeaux Abelle: le cadeau parfait. • Abelle Vouchers: the perfect gift.

Gift cards available in a variety of denominations. Abelle Family, Wedding and Portrait Photography Studio.

Abelle portraits: a priceless, timeless and tasteful gift.
Starting at 200$ and available in different denominations. Available online.
Call or email for details.

Une idée-cadeau d’une valeur inestimable: des portraits contemporains: d’affaire, de familles ou individuels..
En coupures de 200$ et plus. Ces bons-cadeaux sont offerts en ligne.
514 259.5006

Magazine-style portrait photo session

Session photo de style magazine: Abelle

Parfois, on a le goût de jouer à la star. Parfois, c’est le regard que les autres posent sur nous qui nous aide à grandir.Magazine-style portrait photo session

Ça fait longtemps que j’attends la belle So. J’avais ce shooting en tête depuis plusieurs années. Puis, un dimanche d’automne, on eu la chance de concrétiser ce projet. Et, ça donné ceci:

Magazine-style studio portrait photo session Magazine-style studio portrait photo session

Magazine-style portrait photo session

Je me suis sentie vraiment entre les mains d’une professionnelle qui a su me mettre en confiance et me guider. J’ai tellement aimé l’expérience! Quel bel exercice pour rehausser sa confiance et son estime :))))

Ce n’est pas le maquillage, la coiffure et la robe qui rendent un portrait inoubliable. Ce sont les yeux qui sont le reflet de l’âme qui se trouve derrière ceux-ci.

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Pour réserver votre session / To book your shoot:



Celebrating the Overcoming of Challenges: Abelle Portrait Studio

Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. George S. Patton

Business profile portraitThere are no words to describe this session. I decided to let my client share her story in her own words.

“Most of us know life can bring challenges that knock us down for a while. And even when we know things have started to turn around, this turn-around can take a while, in little steps at a time. When I moved to Brockville in 2015, it was to start over. I found Isabelle’s blog by a “happy accident.” And I put the beauty makeover photo shoot on my wish list for when I felt ready to “come back out” into the world. It took 3 years, but then I contacted her, which started the ball rolling. I was excited and scared, and questioning it all as I met with her beforehand and decided what I wanted to wear. But also afraid that what I had been hoping for so much would turn into another disappointment that I had to overcome.

Disappointment was never part of this experience – ever—not during the shoot nor when I saw the pictures. The shoot felt professional and Isabelle’s photography knowledge was front and centre. However, her compassion for her clients like me was also an integral part of the process. She knew and understood this was not an easy experience for people to go through. Yes she was gentle and considerate about it all. My pictures surprised me but also made me feel like I had found me again….yes, a bigger size, a little more wrinkled and looking older. But I now had something—physical evidence– that showed on the outside how much better I was feeling on the inside.

Business profile portrait Business profile portrait: Abelle Photography

What are you celebrating?

Photography and styling:
Hair & makeup: Madison Moore MUA

Abelle Photography landscape

Mother, Mother Ocean. I have heard you call: Abelle

If you don’t know the song, here it is: A Pirate Looks at Forty.

Abelle Photography landscape

Frisco Bath House Beach, North Carolina


Abelle Photography landscape

Waiting for the storm on Utopia Lane, Frisco, North Carolina

Abelle Photography landscape

Waiting for the storm on Utopia Lane, Frisco, North Carolina. Moments later.

Abelle Photography landscape

Life at f/1.8

Abelle Photography landscape

Feeding on sand fiddlers.

Abelle Photography landscape

Pastel contemplation.



Mother Ocean: She is  mightily fierce. She is immense and beautiful. Yet she is fragile.

Portrait of a Wedding couple in the country.

Mariage à Oka: une petite famille plus que charmante. Vu par Abelle

Avec ce dernier mariage, je peux dire que je suis officiellement devenue une photographe de famille. J’ai rencontré Cynthia pour la première fois en 2009, au mariage de sa cousine au vignoble St-Agnès à Glen Sutton. Je l’ai revu en 2015, dans un verger de Dunham, le Domaine de Dunham, pour le mariage de son autre cousine, la sœur de l’autre.
Nous nous sommes rencontrés il y a deux ans pour planifier son mariage avec Martin qui devait avoir lieu en août 2017. Mais, surprise… contre toute attente, ils ont reçu un cadeau du ciel en apprenant qu’ils attendaient un deuxième enfant à l’été 2017. Le mariage a donc été reporté à cet été. Les voici dans toute leur splendeur et authenticité. Ils sont beaux, pleins de vie, authentiques, aimants et aimés.

J’ai eu les larmes aux yeux pendant une bonne partie de la journée tellement cette célébration était touchante. À vous autres maintenant de vous rincer l’oeil. 😉

Wedding portrait photographer:

J’aime la vie à 35 mm. #Nikkorglass

Wedding portrait photographer:

La lumière était directe et dure. Au diable l’ombre, nous avons sauté dedans à pieds joints.

Wedding portrait photographer:

#lensflare #gorgeousbridegroom #fullsunportrait

Wedding portrait photographer: Wedding portrait photographer: Wedding portrait photographer: Wedding portrait photographer: Abelle.caWedding portrait photographer: Abelle.caWedding portrait photographer:

Montage diaporama des images de leur journée de mariage.

Lieu: Au Jardin d’Emmanuel à Oka.
Assistante photo: Tammy Jette
Maquillage: Myriam Arelle
Coiffure: Mélanie Laroche
Fleurs: Domaine Vénusia
DJ: Martin Robert
Gâteau: Sucré Sam

Abelle Wedding photography

Bouquet : création de Domaine Vénusia.

Abelle Wedding cake photography

Gâteau: création de Sucré Sam

Brockville portrait photography Abelle

Abelle Loves: Made by Bees©

On my quest to reduce my use of plastic, especially single-use plastic, I found this product right in my neighborhood. I came across Priscilla, owner, and beekeeper, at yoga. She was gifting these wax-covered wraps to the owner-teacher-yogi. I inquired about these and found out that she was the maker of these gems and had them in stock.
These wraps are useful and cute and they smell nice.

Boutique photography studio: Abelle

These are the large-sized wraps which I use most of the time.

product photography studio

I also got a few of these packets. They contain a mix of seeds of plants that attract bees. They make great hostess gifts for people who don’t drink wine.

Photography studio Abelle

This is a kit containing a wrap in each of the three sizes: small, medium and large.

Family portrait photography

Isn’t the bee-shaped wax seal on the back of the packaging the cutest?

portrait photography studio Abelle

The large 13″x13″ completely covers my medium-sized bowl and is perfect for large bowls as well.

Portrait photography studio


You can order these online at
So long plastic wrap!

Abelle Portrait Photography Studio

Celebrating Family: Mother and Daughter Portrait Photo Session

Ah women… They are a special breed. This mother, sister, wife, and friend is such a remarkable human being. I never want to get too personal so I do not reveal too much of my clients’ personal lives. However, I can assure you that the world is a much better place because F. and S. are in it.

Abelle Family Portrait Photography

Beauty runs deeper than the thickness of the human skin. This is what you is visible in these images: an inner beauty that shines through in these portraits.Abelle Portrait Photography Studio

Based on the phone consultation we had, F. brought a variety of top of various colors, necklines and textures. We tried different colors and played with different necklines until we found what was most flattering and photogenic on photographs. The deep royal and emerald blues looked great on F. You see, this woman is from Cape Breton and the sea is part of her DNA. Not surprisingly, these colors, reminiscent of the ocean, looked amazing on her. Also, notice the neckline on the royal blue top. Take note: cowl necks are a must in your wardrobe ladies.Abelle Portrait Photography Studio

S. came in with simple and understated tops that also worked well in the photos. I hope we did justice to her perfect creamy skin and her sublime eyebrows. Abelle Portrait Photography Studio Abelle Portrait Photography Studio



Madison’s lip color choices. Frances is wearing Greystone and Sarah is wearing Saint. Colors by Nude Stix.


Hair and makeup: Madison Moore HMUA
Photography assistant: Angélique Gravelle
Photographer: Isabelle Bouchard

High school senior portrait photography studio

High School Student Portraits: Abelle Celebrates Teenage

When I hear comments like: «Today’s youth are lazy.», «In my days, we were better at (fill in the blank)», etc. I think to myself that we are dead wrong about young adults. There are so many creative, eager, good-natured, whole-hearted and smart young people out there.

With high school graduation and prom season around the corner, this next post is a reminder that thousands of young men and women are about to start a new and significant chapter in their life. We love to photograph them in our studio to immortalize them at this very important stage in their life.

High school senior portrait photography studioHere is one such example. Angelique is an outstanding young woman. I have the pleasure of working with her in the studio. I wanted to capture her youth forever.

High school senior portrait photography studio

She willingly agreed to spend a few hours with me, at the studio. We tried out the new gear.

Professional portrait photography studio

Behind the scenes: a pulled back image of the lighting setup. A little Hollywood Glamour lighting never goes out of style,

Indeed, Christmas came early as we invested in some «light-in-a-can» portrait studio photography equipment. There is only so much daylight November and December can bring.

High school senior portrait photography studio

Doesn’t she remind you of Grace Kelly?

Our portraits celebrate people of any age. Young, middle-aged and mature women sit in front of our camera. Let’s celebrate you; because every stage of life is worth celebrating. 


#seniorpictures #senioryear #modernteenstyle #portraitphotographer #rising_masters #abell#portraitphotography #portrait_perfection #portrait_shots #oldmasterslighting #fineartportraits #portraitstudio #abellephotography #abelleportraits

Mother and daughter portrait photography session.

Celebrating Family Ties – Mother Daughter Photo Shoot: Abelle

Meet Andrea and Annie, the models in this beautiful and intimate portrait photo shoot.
This is Andrea’s testimonial:

“ Isabelle in her thoughtful and skilled manner has marked a transitional age/stage for Annie and I. Annie is completing high school and is heading to university in September.

Studio magazine-style portrait shoot by Abelle.

She reminds me of Chelsea Clinton.

I am growing my businesses in preparation for retirement from soon to be 25 yrs. of teaching. We very much appreciated Isabelle’s organization, professionalism and attention to detail in creating a safe atmosphere for the photo shoot and the exciting reveal process. As a painter, I am fascinated by how she masterfully paints her subjects in their most beautiful and authentic light! Annie’s casting shot captured her fresh look and was ideal for the intended purpose of her performance audition in Toronto.Studio portrait photo shoot by Abelle.

Senior portrait photo shoot.Portrait photography studio: AbelleBeauty makeover and portrait photo session.

Isabelle suggested a business shot for me which I will use in various multi-media forums including Facebook promoting my local businesses – Buells Creek Furnishings (hand-painted custom furnishings) & Walk More, Bark Less  (pet nanny and dog walking).


Mother and daughter portrait photography session.I treasure the images which caught my girl and me in our groove together. Such fun working with you, thank you again.”

Photography assistant: Angélique Gravelle
Hair & makeup artist: Madison Moore
Photography and styling: Isabelle of Abelle