We met at a business luncheon. Months later, Ms Judy contacted me. She was ready for her beauty makeover and glamour photo shoot experience. This natural beauty moved so well in front of the camera. These are a few of the dozens of stunning portraits we created in the studio. Below is what she had to say about the shoot.

“I want to share how enjoyable my experience was during my beauty makeover and photo shoot with Isabelle. It is so nice that we have this service available right here in Brockville. I arrived at the studio and was made to feel very comfortable. Isabelle explained the process to put me at ease and we started with a couple of ‘before’ shots. I then moved into another room for the transformation of my hair and makeup with Erica. This was fun and I learned tidbits of advice regarding doing makeup and using hair product. Once the hair and makeup was completed, Isabelle had chosen some outfits from the clothes I had brought along for the photo shoot and we began the photography session. I will admit that I was a little nervous but she put me completely at ease. It is amazing to watch her at work creating the perfect lighting and poses. With a few simple words, she was able to direct me to create poses that were not only artistic but also strategically made me look the most beautiful, slender and relaxed before the camera. We changed outfits and with each one Isabelle was able to create the perfect pose for the mood expressed by that piece of clothing.
I must admit, in my family I have always been the one taking photos of everyone else. Rarely will you see me in pictures taken a family events or vacations. I have felt awkward in front of the camera, never knowing quite how to smile or what facial expressions to give. Isabelle was a genius at giving me directions to elicit the look she wanted to evoke. It was effortless and fun and I felt more beautiful than ever before.
Once the photos were processed, I came back to the studio to view the finished products. I was amazed at how lovely the photographs looked with just the right lighting, poses and expressions. There were so many great shots it was difficult to choose which ones I wanted.
Thank you Isabelle for such a great experience and highly recommend having a beauty makeover photo shoot. I guarantee you will never realize the beauty others see in you until you have your own session.”

I also wanted to share a bit about Judy’s interesting life:
“I have had several careers in my life: physiotherapist, lactation consultant, scuba dive master, business administrator; also hockey/baseball/lacrosse mom to two sons and a boat racing wife to a hydroplane boat racer.
Currently I am an author of an action/adventure novel with a message: Voices in the Wilderness (by Judith Utman). I have recently embarked on a new adventure taking a modelling and acting course for a new phase in my life. Who knows where this will take me! This photo shoot is a wonderful experience for modelling in the future.”
For more images of Judy’s session: Click here