Personal Branding Portrait Session: Abelle

studio glamour portrait photo shoot

Ottawa and Kingston studio glamour portrait photo shoot

This business woman came into our studio for new corporate portraits. She is a solid social media and email marketing consultant. She offers social media and email marketing training and consulting as well as social media marketing set-up and management services.

For this shoot, Kelly had a vision for the finished branding image she wanted: colours that matched her brand and negative space to add words and promotional information. Planning out a photography session is essential in order to attain a specific result. This woman is organized and efficient and it made the job easier.

Ottawa and Kingston studio glamour portrait photo shoot

Ottawa and Kingston studio glamour portrait photo shoot

This soon-to-be mother of FOUR is generous, talented and beautiful inside and out. We laughed during this portrait photography session as she said it felt like she was doing facial gymnastics. I always try to capture my client’s “twinkle“. That special facial expression that shows who they really are. I feel the “twinkle index“ is quite high in these images.

Ottawa and Kingston studio glamour portrait photo shoot

Ottawa and Kingston studio corporate portrait photo shoot

There was no need for Kathy to add highlighter during the hair and makeup pampering session. Isn’t she radiant?

Ottawa and Kingston studio glamour portrait photo shoot

Ottawa and Kingston studio glamour portrait photo shoot

To book a session
Hair & Makeup: by the lovely Kathy of Winx Artistry

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