Montreal Baby and Family Photographer: Abelle photographie

So I mentioned that December 2013 was C R A Z Y, right? Well, it was extremely busy and extremely fun. I had to face all 3 storms (ok a mini storm and two major ones) in order to create and deliver Christmas images.

As in the previous blog post, I went back to NDG, Montreal, to visit this couple’s latest addition to the family. I was first introduced to A & C back in 2011 by Matt and Kim (I also photographed their vineyard wedding in 2009). Abelle photographed this couple’s wedding in 2012, then I photographed the Christmas family portrait last year and in December of 2013 I had the pleasure of photographing Violet, their baby girl. I was so touched to walk in the house and get to meet the result of so much love and tenderness. I really felt like the «family photographer». Violet was a superb model. There were some outfit changes and one milk break (or two? I can’t remember) yet Violet lasted well over 60 minutes. Here are some of the photographs she allowed us to create. To see more images from this session, visit:

Do you or someone you know wish to get their sweet little angel photographed? Share this post with them and let them know Abelle is available and would be delighted to do so? or 514 259-5006

Professional Baby Photographer: Abelle photographie

Violet looking confidently at the camera.

Professional Christmas portrait of a Baby.

Oh! Oh! Oh! How cute is this?

Professional Baby Portrait shot by Abelle Photographie in Montreal.

Violet’s First Christmas Pyjamas.


Professional Baby Portrait in Montreal by Abelle Photographie

Sweet angel.

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