Bringing Sexy Back

We did an amazing boudoir session this past week.

To many people, Boudoir photography may be perceived as superficial, tasteless, self-indulgent, voyeuristic… However, as with most sessions, this one particular shoot proved to have moved and transformed both the photographer and the subject.

This shoot was about reclaiming a sense of self as a woman: vibrant, passionate, confident, sexy and strong. The session did just that. The results show images of a confident, serene and gorgeous bombshell who came into the shoot thinking and acting the opposite. Confidence, maturity and self-esteem are so sexy! We’re privileged to be able to witness the transformation that happens during such a shoot.

So it isn’t about the lingerie, the hair, the makeup, the jewelry, the shoes (well… maybe a little bit…), … True beauty is about the inner fire, the presence and the firm belief that a woman is all that and more.

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