Author Archives: AbelleMtl

30-Something Beauty Portrait Photo Shoot: Abelle Portraits

This is what 30 looks like:

Glamour portrait photoshoot Ottawa
She is a tall, beautiful, independent and intelligent woman.She is bilingual. She is funny. She loves to travel. She is a role-model for her students. She is a fashion police and has used her authority on me. 🙂 She is a 2016 bride. Jean-Pierre Ferland said it best: C’est à 30 ans que les femmes sont belles. These are a few of Gen’s beauty portraits taken in natural light on a quiet Sunday morning.
Merci G2.
Ottawa portrait photographer Ottawa Glamour Makeover photo shoot portrait Makeover photography session Brockville portrait photographer#existinphotos

Whether you are 29 forever or 72, what are you celebrating?


Elegant Beauty Makeover and Studio Photo Shoot: Abelle Fine Portraits

We met at a business luncheon. Months later, Ms Judy contacted me. She was ready for her beauty makeover and glamour photo shoot experience. This natural beauty moved so well in front of the camera. These are a few of the dozens of stunning portraits we created in the studio. Below is what she had to say about the shoot.

Makeover glamour photography session

“I want to share how enjoyable my experience was during my beauty makeover and photo shoot with Isabelle. It is so nice that we have this service available right here in Brockville. I arrived at the studio and was made to feel very comfortable. Isabelle explained the process to put me at ease and we started with a couple of ‘before’ shots. I then moved into another room for the transformation of my hair and makeup with Erica. This was fun and I learned tidbits of advice regarding doing makeup and using hair product. Once the hair and makeup was completed, Isabelle had chosen some outfits from the clothes I had brought along for the photo shoot and we began the photography session. I will admit that I was a little nervous but she put me completely at ease. It is amazing to watch her at work creating the perfect lighting and poses. With a few simple words, she was able to direct me to create poses that were not only artistic but also strategically made me look the most beautiful, slender and relaxed before the camera. We changed outfits and with each one Isabelle was able to create the perfect pose for the mood expressed by that piece of clothing.

I must admit, in my family I have always been the one taking photos of everyone else. Rarely will you see me in pictures taken a family events or vacations. I have felt awkward in front of the camera, never knowing quite how to smile or what facial expressions to give. Isabelle was a genius at giving me directions to elicit the look she wanted to evoke. It was effortless and fun and I felt more beautiful than ever before.

Once the photos were processed, I came back to the studio to view the finished products. I was amazed at how lovely the photographs looked with just the right lighting, poses and expressions. There were so many great shots it was difficult to choose which ones I wanted.

Thank you Isabelle for such a great experience and highly recommend having a beauty makeover photo shoot. I guarantee you will never realize the beauty others see in you until you have your own session.”
Makeover glamour photography session Makeover glamour photography session OttawaAbelle Glamour portrait studio photo session Makeover glamour photography session

I also wanted to share a bit about Judy’s interesting life: 
“I have had several careers in my life: physiotherapist, lactation consultant, scuba dive master, business administrator; also hockey/baseball/lacrosse mom to two sons and a boat racing wife to a hydroplane boat racer.

Currently I am an author of an action/adventure novel with a message: Voices in the Wilderness (by Judith Utman). I have recently embarked on a new adventure taking a modelling and acting course for a new phase in my life. Who knows where this will take me! This photo shoot is a wonderful experience for modelling in the future.”

For more images of Judy’s session:  Click here

Bédaine de Noël – Photos de maternité – Abelle

Il n’y a pas seulement le Père Noël qui a une belle bédaine. Cette future maman porte fièrement un bedon bien rond.
Photographie de maternité
M & K se sont mariés en 2013.
Abelle photographie de mariage

Aujourd’hui, ils attendent impatiemment une petite fille. C’est en studio que je les ai rejoins pour cette session de photographie en lumière naturelle.
Je suis certaine que la petite puce qui pousse sera bien entourée.
Ces images sont un beau complément à leurs photos de mariage.

Abelle photographie portrait Montréal Abelle photographie portrait Montréal Abelle photographie portrait Montréal Abelle photographie portrait Montréal

Avouez aussi que M. ressemble un peu à Patrick Huard?
Abelle photographie portrait Montréal

Family Portraiture: Abelle Portrait Photography

The family portrait: it never gets old and is forever precious.
Images of your family, whether taken professionally or spontaneously, are the most precious thing you will ever own. Cherish them. Get them printed and framed and showcased on your walls.

The amazing process behind restoring a 355-year-old family portrait

Charles Le Brun (French, Paris 1619–1690) Everhard Jabach (1618–1695) and His Family, ca. 1660 Oil on canvas; 110 1/4 × 129 1/8 in. (280 × 328 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Mrs. Charles Wrightsman Gift, in honor of Keith Christiansen, 2014 (2014.250)

Charles Le Brun (French, Paris 1619–1690 Paris)
Everhard Jabach (1618–1695) and His Family, ca. 1660
Oil on canvas; 110 1/4 × 129 1/8 in. (280 × 328 cm)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Mrs. Charles Wrightsman Gift, in honor of Keith Christiansen, 2014 (2014.250)




Petits sacs pour collation, cute, cute.

J’aime donc je partage.
L’idée de nouveaux continents de plastique en formation dans l’océan Pacifique me dérange pas mal.

Le grand coupable: le plastique. C’est fou ce que l’on en consomme. Ceci n’est qu’un tout petit pas mais, néanmoins, ça fait du bien. Ci-bas, des pochettes qui remplacent les «Ziplock».
Avouez qu’elles sont cutes!


PS: Je ne suis pas la plus grande des couturières mais je suis certaine que ces pochettes sont faciles à faire.
PPS: Une idée de cadeaux de bas de Noël géniale.


Facile à laver et réutiliser. Sèche en un rien de temps.

Facile à laver et réutiliser.
Sèche en un rien de temps.

Montreal Wedding Photographer

Abelle: Wedding photography in Bromont, Québec.

This will not make me seem any younger but… I met Meagan when she was in grade 8. She was a student in the grade 8 math class I taught in another lifetime… when I was just 16. 🙂

Seriously, even back then Meagan was a talented, determined, authentic and elegant young girl. So look at her now. What do you see? I photographed her bridal portraits in Bondville, by Brome Lake.

Montreal Wedding Photographer

Love the flowy skirt of this dress. In the back, Brome Lake.

Glamour portrait photographer


Montreal Wedding Photographer

Normand Rockwell inspired me for this wedding image.

Bromont Wedding Photographer

Wedding held in the barn at Le Refuge du Mont Gale, Bromont, Québec.

Montreal Wedding Photographer Montreal Wedding Photographer

She and Stefan came to me to document this blissful wedding. They wanted something simple and fun. They wanted a celebration of their love and a party for their loved ones. We scheduled a first look (Scroll way down for information on the what is “First Look”) in Bromont, at the Bromont olympic equestrian park. On that day, the 20th edition of the Quebec Equestrian Games were taking place for the weekend. So amidst a sea of horse trailers and horses and their riders, we set out to photograph that their first look. Look for the crisp September light in some of the mid afternoon shots. I love it.

The wedding ceremony and reception were held down the road at Le Refuge du Mont Gale. That is where I went on most of my end of year school trips when I was in elementary school. Did I mention my high school bus driver, David, was also the horse carriage driver?

Montreal Wedding Photographer

I’m grateful to have had the privilege of being surrounded with this much fun, love and positive energy on that day. These two make me want to smile, a lot.


Flowers: Debbie Hornig Créations Florales

Luminous and radiant beauty makeover portrait session: Abelle Photography

Luminous – Radiant – Stunning – Delicious – Glowing – Resplendent

Makeover and glamour portrait session

No, these are not words I plan on using at Scrabble. These are a few of the words that kept running through my head during this makeover portrait session with Chantal. She is a force to be reckoned with and she is sexy, funny and kind to boot!
This photo shoot was a treat for herself from her: a well deserved pampered day off. She recently completed a university course and is celebrating a whole slew of significant life changes and successes.
Bravo Chantal! xx

Makeover and glamour portrait session. 05_ChantalL_242 17_ChantalL_242 52_ChantalL_242

What other words come to mind when seeing these elegant and beautiful portraits?

Makeup by Erica Wright MUA.


Elle? C’est LO.

Abelle photographie Laureleen

Elle? C’est celle que l’on ne voit jamais. Je vous présente régulièrement des images de mariés qui sont tout sourire et qui sont épanouis et resplendissants en photo. Ça l’air simple et donne l’impression que ça se fait toujours naturellement. Beau temps, mauvais temps, à -30 °C ou +30 °C, je ne présente que le résultat. Derrière ces portraits, il y a souvent un ingrédient essentiel: l’aide indispensable de Lo.

Abelle photographie - Laureleen

Il fait 29 °C avec un facteur humidex de 20 000! Mme traîne et porte des dizaines de livre de stock… avec le sourire.


Là! Il fait -30 °C. On fait des tests de lumière. Elle ne peut sourire; elle a la face gelée! 🙂 🙂


Une des nombreuses journée de record de chaleur et d’humidité de l’été 2012.

Abelle photographie Laureleen

À Chantecler avec Aiyin et Jonathan. «Awaye. T’as prends-tu ta photo?» 🙂


À Trois-Rivières pour un mariage de Noël.



Abelle photographie Laureleen

Avec Mark. Marié de janvier 2012. Une journée mémorable. On suit la liste de photos de groupes à prendre.

Abelle photographie Laureleen

Oui, Lo. Tu es belle.


Château Bromont.

Abelle photographer Laureleen _DS29347

Elle? C’est Lo. Avec moi elle souffre pendant la plupart de ses fins de semaine d’été. Elle est parfois privée d’eau pendant de longues heures; elle prend de nombreux coups de soleil; elle se fait manger tout rond par les moustiques; elle se fait des engelures; elle traîne une valise d’une vingtaine de livres pendant des heures tout en portant sur elle le reste de l’attirail. Elle s’assure que je n’oublie pas mon équipement nul part. Je ne compte plus les fois que j’ai laissé derrière moi des morceaux valant des milliers de dollars. Elle me sert de copilote. Elle m’a suivi jusque dans une «trail» de champ de blé d’inde au milieu de nul part à la noirceur. Elle a bossé malade sans se plaindre. Elle a parcouru des centaines de km. Quelques-un de nos mariages se sont transformés en «road trip» et je l’ai initié aux motels minables et aux «diners» du Québec.

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Abelle photographe

Une autre de ses grandes passions: les chevaux.

Elle, c’est la fiabilité et la loyauté incarnées. Elle a le charme et l’élégance des françaises. Elle a un excellent sens de l’humour ou, du moins, elle rit de mes blagues. Elle est indispensable et tellement précieuse.

Elle, c’est Laureleen et sans elle, je n’en serai pas à ma 16e année à titre de photographe de mariage.

Bonne fête Lo. xxx

Charming Apple Orchard Wedding, Dunham, Qc: Abelle Photography

I love Downton Abbey. I love the story and characters and, I will admit, I am smitten by the costumes, dresses and sets. I feel this wedding’s theme and natural elegance remind me of the show, no? I cannot put my finger on which period exactly.

In any event, good looks, energy and kindness definitely played a big role in this beautiful day, held at the Domaine de Dunham, in the Eastern Townships.

Wedding Photography Of Groom: Abelle PhotographyWedding Photography of Groom: Abelle Photography

Wedding Photography of Bride: Abelle Photography Wedding Photography of Bride: Abelle Photography Wedding Photography of Bride: Abelle Photography Wedding Photography of Bridal Party: Abelle Photography

Ce mariage bilingue, présidé par le papa du marié, n’a laissé personne sans larmes. Aux y’able les dépenses, on sort les mouchoirs! Simplicité, authenticité et bon goût étaient tous au rendez-vous. Et leur petite! Non, mais. Arrêtez-là: elle fait fondre les coeurs tellement elle est adorable.

Wedding Photography in an Apple Orchard in Dunham, Qc : Abelle Photography 290_SPML_244 305_SPML_244 326_SPML_244 332_SPML_244 334_SPML_244 347_SPML_244 359_SPML_244

Wedding Photography in an Apple Orchard in Dunham, Qc : Abelle Photography

Louis. Il a travaillé toute sa vie comme mécanicien. Quand il parle de ses 3 voitures anciennes, on entend un marin parler de son navire ou d’un romantique parler de sa douce. Une belle rencontre.

Abelle Photography: apple orchard wedding photographs.

Seriously. Are these two attractive enough for you?

Vous ne la reconnaissez peut-être pas la puce mais, la voici, il y a 2 ans et puis l’an dernier:
Pregnancy Portrait Session: Abelle Portraits
Mother Daughter Portrait - Abelle Portraits


Event Planning:
Hôtel: Hôtel Castel et Spa Confort, Granby
Fleurs: Debbie Hornig Conception Florale Floral Design
Photographie: Abelle Photographie

Want more?

Can you see the light? Photo – graph – y = Writing with Light

One of the things that elevated my love for photography was an deeper understanding of light. As a photographer, this seems to be an obvious skill to have but it took me a while and many hundred rolls of film and many years in a darkroom to really start SEEING light. It took me another little while to start manipulating it the way I wanted. One epiphany for me was the 4 days I spent with Jerry Ghionis back in 2009. During this intensive workshop, I went to bed crying a few times thinking I should stop it all, close the business and sell my gear. What I didn’t understand is that I was being de-programmed. I was being pushed outside of my comfort zone. I finally stopped looking at the «prettiness» of photography : props, subjects, location,… and started focus on the light first. If I wanted to master photography, I had to start thinking like a sculptor of light. It is shortly after this workshop that I was able to shoot this image – taken midday on a hot July afternoon.

Midday photo taken of bride and groom: Abelle Photography

Image taken during the daytime, on a hot July afternoon.

I will humbly say that the journey is far from over. The good news is I have the rest of my days to perfect this and to chase light.
During this conference, I met an amazing photographer who masters this whole light thing and is a solid wedding and portrait photographer I look up to. Check out Barbara Ann’s work. You may recognize some of Jerry Ghionis’ influence.

Susan Stripling  and her husband, Nikon-ambassador, Cliff Mautner do this so beautifully. I can only wish to master light to one tenth of their abilities. Although they use natural light, the images they produce aren’t the result of lucky accidents. It isn’t because they use great cameras and professional lenses. These guys master light. They sculp light. If you look at some of Mr. Mautner’s outdoor wedding images, you will see he uses rim light, backlight, also called separation light. Yes, he shoots right into the light! The beautiful result is a subject that is separated from the background and yet beautifully lit without turning the subject into a silhouette.

Natural and available light have been used for a very long time in photography. I don’t believe Rembrandt is the first to have used it.

Joseph Wright of Derby [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Love the play of light and shadows – Joseph Wright of Derby [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsJoseph Wright of Derby [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Self-Portrait, 1658

Rembrandt’s technique or his vision of light in portraiture (and environmental portraiture) has been emulated and copied ever since. Susan Stripling masters this so beautifully. This image is breathtaking.

Memories and snapshots are precious. I love what the smartphone cameras have done for families: opening up the opportunities for creating many memories, easily and rapidly. What I feel sad about, is that it has blurred the line between professional portraiture and snapshots. Lighting and composition are still key to quality photography. So start seeing the light.

Natural light is free and available on most days. So go out and play with it… and don’t forget to wear sunscreen.